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Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m a software engineer by day, mechanical engineer by degree, some-time traveler, music lover, and self-proclaimed motivational speaker by... well, any spare minute I can find. When I’m not busy debugging code, you can find me lost in a new place, jamming to a mix of Indian and Western music (yes, I’m the one who creates playlists that make no sense), or pondering the mysteries of the universe, from physics to geopolitics. Oh, and if you need some motivation or a good laugh, I’m your go-to person—I'm basically a walking TED talk. Stick around for random musings, technical rants, and possibly some okayish poetry ✍️!


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Reselling Arijit Singh Concert Tickets turned out to be a NightMare


I canceled my plan to attend Arijit Singh's Concert in GIFT City, Gujarat. 

I found Viagogo on the internet where you could resell your tickets. 

Tbh setting the selling price is a daunting task and finally, I deactivated my ticket listing there.

In this blog, you will learn from my experience why the resold tickets are so expensive and why people are selling at such high prices.

Viagogo adds handling charges , tax applied per ticket,

On sale, the seller receives the amount

via PayPal which charges

4.4% transaction fee

+ 0.30 fixed fee

+ 4% conversion fee

Upon this amount, Indian bank charges

25 dollars fixed transaction fee (if not a business)

+ 3% conversion fee.

After all this, you get money in the bank which is taxed 20-30% as income tax.

So, I bought tickets at 3177 Rs (including GST), but I have to sell them at 14000 Rs 

to make a profit of 147 Rs.

I am willing to sell for the same price of 3177 Rs, but I have not found a buyer in my circle yet.

Also, I wrote a java code just in case someone is looking to estimate the listing price on Viagogo.

public class Viagogo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

boolean paypalBusinessAccount = false;
double ticketPriceActual = 1588.50; // including GST
double numberOfTickets = 2;
double ticketPriceListedonViagogo = 7000.00; // per ticket

double viagogoHandlingFee = 854.00; // viagogo handling fee
double viagogoTax = 154.00; // viagogo tax
double paypalTransactionFeeDeducted = 0.956; // 4.4% transaction fee by Paypal
double paypalFixedFee = 0.30; // fixed for USD
double paypalCurrencyConversionDeducted = 0.96; // 4% conversion fee by Indian Bank
double indianBankRemittanceFee = 2140.00; // 25$ transaction fee
double indianBankRemittanceConversionDeducted = 0.97; // 3% conversion fee by Indian Bank
double indianIncomeTaxDeducted = 0.80;
double amountReceivedInBank;

double finalResoldTicketPrice = ticketPriceListedonViagogo + viagogoHandlingFee + viagogoTax;

double amountReceivedAndDetectedByIndianBank = (ticketPriceListedonViagogo*paypalTransactionFeeDeducted-paypalFixedFee)*paypalCurrencyConversionDeducted;

amountReceivedInBank = (amountReceivedAndDetectedByIndianBank-indianBankRemittanceFee)*indianBankRemittanceConversionDeducted;
amountReceivedInBank = amountReceivedAndDetectedByIndianBank;

double profitFromResale = amountReceivedInBank*indianIncomeTaxDeducted-ticketPriceActual*numberOfTickets;

System.out.println("Profit: "+ Math.round(profitFromResale));
System.out.println("Expected to be Credited in Bank Account: "+ Math.round(amountReceivedAndDetectedByIndianBank));
System.out.println("Final Ticket Price to the Buyer: "+ Math.round(finalResoldTicketPrice));


Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Second Life ( Habit 2/100 ) | Pinch test to check if you are Dehydrated

Pinch test:

To check for dehydration, you can pinch the skin over the back of your hand, on your abdomen, or over the front of your chest under your collarbone.
Mild dehydration: The skin will be slightly slow to return to normal

Symptoms of Dehydration:

Mild to Moderate Dehydration-

  1. feeling thirsty
  2. dry mouth, lips or tongue
  3. urinating less than usual
  4. dark colored urine
  5. dry skin
  6. feeling tired
  7. dizziness
  8. headache
  9. muscle cramps
  10. irritability 

Severe Dehydration-

  1. not urinating, or very dark yellow or amber colored urine
  2. dry, shriveled skin
  3. confusion
  4. lightheadness
  5. rapid heartbeat but low blood pressure
  6. deep rapid breathing
  7. sunken eyes
  8. heat tolerance or chills
  9. constipation
  10. loss of appetite but may be craving sugar

Dehydration in Kids-

  1. dry tongue, dry lips
  2. no tears when crying
  3. toddlers - no wet diapers for 8 hours
  4. infants - fewer than 6 wet diapers per day, sunken soft spot on head

Here's a detailed guide on the health benefits and best practices when drinking water:

1. Health Benefits of Drinking Water:

  1. Hydration: Water is essential for maintaining the body's fluid balance, which is vital for regulating temperature, removing waste, and supporting bodily functions.
  2. Improved Digestion: Water helps break down food and absorb nutrients. It also prevents constipation by keeping the digestive tract hydrated.
  3. Skin Health: Drinking enough water keeps the skin hydrated and can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, and acne.
  4. Boosts Energy: Dehydration can lead to fatigue, but drinking water helps maintain energy levels and supports mental clarity.
  5. Detoxification: Water flushes out toxins through urine and sweat, helping the kidneys function efficiently.
  6. Weight Management: Drinking water can help curb appetite and reduce calorie intake, which may aid in weight loss.
  7. Joint Lubrication: Water helps maintain proper lubrication of joints, preventing conditions like arthritis.
  8. Regulates Body Temperature: Staying hydrated helps maintain body temperature, especially during exercise or hot weather.
  9. Improves Kidney Function: Proper hydration helps the kidneys filter waste and prevent kidney stones.

2. Dos and Don’ts of Drinking Water:

  • Dos:
    • Drink water throughout the day, not just when thirsty.
    • Carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated at all times.
    • Start your day with a glass of water to rehydrate after a night of sleep.
    • Drink water before, during, and after exercise to replenish lost fluids.
    • Drink water when you feel hungry, as thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger.
  • Don’ts:
    • Don’t drink excessive amounts of water in one sitting, as it can lead to water intoxication.
    • Don’t rely solely on sugary drinks or caffeine to hydrate.
    • Avoid drinking large amounts of water right before bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep from frequent trips to the bathroom.
    • Don’t drink water that is contaminated or not filtered, as it can cause health problems.
    • Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink water, as this can be a sign of early dehydration.

3. How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?

  • A common recommendation is to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, but this can vary based on individual needs. Factors such as age, sex, activity level, climate, and overall health play a role in determining how much water you need.
  • General Guidelines:
    • Men: About 3.7 liters daily, including all fluids.
    • Women: About 2.7 liters daily, including all fluids.
  • Listen to Your Body: Thirst is a good indicator, but ensure you’re drinking enough throughout the day to maintain hydration.

4. When NOT to Drink Water:

  • Right After Meals: Avoid drinking large amounts of water immediately after meals, as it can dilute stomach acid and hinder digestion.
  • During Intense Exercise: While hydration is crucial during exercise, drinking excessive amounts of water in a short period during intense activity can cause water intoxication or hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood).
  • If You Have Certain Medical Conditions: If you have kidney disease, heart conditions, or are on a restricted fluid intake, consult a doctor before consuming large amounts of water.
  • When You’re Already Hydrated: If you’ve already consumed enough water throughout the day, avoid forcing more water into your system to prevent overhydration.

5. Which is More Beneficial: Tap Water, Mineral Water, or Sparkling Water?

  • Tap Water:
    • Pros: Convenient, affordable, and often contains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, depending on the source.
    • Cons: In some areas, tap water can contain contaminants like chlorine, lead, or pesticides. It’s important to check your local water quality.
  • Mineral Water:
    • Pros: Rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium, which can support hydration and provide nutritional benefits.
    • Cons: Can be more expensive and may have a higher sodium content depending on the brand.
  • Sparkling Water:
    • Pros: Often enjoyable as a refreshing, fizzy alternative to still water and may help with digestion.
    • Cons: Some brands contain added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Overconsumption may also contribute to bloating and gas due to carbonation.

Verdict: All types of water are beneficial, but mineral water may offer extra benefits due to its higher mineral content. Tap water is the most economical and often just as good if filtered properly. Sparkling water is a healthy, enjoyable option but should be consumed in moderation.

6. Cold vs Hot Drinking Water Benefits:

  • Cold Water:
    • Pros: Cold water can help cool down the body, especially after physical activity or in hot weather.
    • Cons: Drinking ice-cold water may sometimes cause discomfort, such as throat irritation or triggering headaches in sensitive individuals.
  • Hot Water:
    • Pros: Hot water is great for digestion, as it helps relax the digestive tract. It can also be soothing for sore throats and reduce congestion.
    • Cons: Too hot water can burn the mouth or throat. It’s best to drink it at a moderate temperature.

Verdict: Both have benefits depending on your needs. Cold water is ideal for cooling down, while hot water can support digestion and provide comfort.

7. How Much Water Should You Drink at a Time?

  • The body can absorb water more efficiently when consumed in smaller amounts throughout the day.
  • Ideal Intake per Sitting: Around 250-300 milliliters (about one cup) is recommended. Drinking too much at once can overwhelm the kidneys and lead to water retention.
  • Best Practice: Drink water regularly throughout the day rather than in large quantities at once. This helps maintain hydration without overwhelming your system.

By keeping these tips and facts in mind, you can optimize your water consumption for better health and overall well-being!

UPDATE on Habit (1/100) - Sleep

  • I have managed to sleep for 7 hours daily for the last week except for one day.
  • To avoid the phone 30 min before sleep, I follow a routine of making bed and skin care after the phone.
  • I stopped having dinner late night except for saturday/friday i.e, one day of the week so as to enjoy food watching something.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Second Life ( Habit 1/100 ) | What actually happens after you Sleep ?


First Phase - NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement)

        Step 1 - 1-7 min

                      In this step, we go from being awake to being asleep. 

                      We can easily be awakened in this stage.

        Step 2 - 10-25 min

                      This step transfers the data from the hippocampus to the front lobe.

                      Hippocampus - It acts like RAM in the computer.

                      Stores the data for the short term like Platform no. on the railway station.     

                      Front lobe - It acts like a hard disk on the computer.

                      Stores the data for the long term.   

                      Muscles become more relaxed. Brain activity slows.                             

        Step 3 - 20-40 min

                      In this step, we get dreams. Brain activity increases.

                           In dreams, 4 senses of the brain get activated as per the priority below:

      1. Visual - Therefore dreams have visual more than audio.
      2. Motor -  Therefore we see something always moving when we see the dream.
      3. Memory - The dreams have something to do with the data we store during experiences.
      4. Emotion/Fear - The emotion during a dream is 30% more than during the daytime. 

During all this time, the Frontal area is in a shutdown state that is responsible for logic. 

So, the things that we see in the dream don't make sense or seem logical.    

Sleep Walking - This may happen in the first phase.

Purpose of dream - 

It works as an AI to connect the previous day's experience with all the past experiences so as to enhance creativity.


During the day time, toxic chemicals are generated in the brain which need to be cleaned. This happens during the night time when we sleep.

Glial cells (the cells that support neurons) become smaller providing enough passage for the Cerebro Spinal Fluid to pass through the brain. This liquid does the cleansing work.

 Second Phase - REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

 In this phase, our body gets paralyzed so that the body doesn't perform any actions seen during the dream.

NREM sleep happens in insects and small animals.

REM sleep happens only in birds, mammals, dolphins, and whales.

In humans, NREM and REM sleep occur in alternating cycles, each lasting approximately 90-100 minutes with a total of 4-6 cycles. In healthy young adults, NREM sleep makes up 75-90% of total sleep time, while REM sleep makes up 10-25%.

Blue light tricks the brain into that it is still the daytime so the brain doesn't feel to sleep as the melatonin chemical doesn't get triggered.

Nervous System:

Central Nervous System-  Body movements, Thinking, and thoughts.

Autonomous Nervous System-

        Sympathetic Nervous System - responsible for stress. If overused leads to hypertension, cardiac diseases, etc.

        Asympathetic Nervous System - Travel, meet friends, stretch, etc. These all need to balance.

Amazing Fact:

Below is the study done on subjects on a simulator-

8 hours sleep (without alcohol) - No accident

8 hours sleep (with alcohol more than the legal limit) - accident probability 6 times more

4 hours sleep (without alcohol) - accident probability 6 times more

4 hours sleep (with alcohol) - accident probability 30 times more

Conclusion - 4 hours sleep without alcohol = 8 hours sleep with alcohol

Note - You should wake up naturally. You should not put a waking alarm as it disturbs the REM phase of your sleep. Instead, you can put an alarm for sleeping time.

Brain Waves-

Alpha - During break time

Beta - During communication, engaged in an activity 

Gamma - During concentration

Theta - During sleep state. Also during long drives, our brain waves go in a Theta state. That's the reason for accidents on highways even if you have enough sleep.

You may think that having a Coffee could avoid sleep but it is actually worse.

Coffee/Energy drinks don't help. The reason is the caffeine molecules get attached temporarily to the receptors in the brain where Adenosine (responsible for sleep) needs to get attached. caffeine molecules after a few hours get detached and the accumulated Adenosine molecules get attached to the receptors all at once. So you get more uncontrollable sleep than before which may lead to accidents again.

Delta - Deep sleep

Good Sleep Benefits:

Benefits of good sleep:

Getting 7 hours of sleep each night can provide various physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Improved Cognitive Function

  • Memory consolidation: Sleep helps to solidify and store new information, improving learning and memory recall.
  • Increased focus and alertness: A good night's sleep helps maintain attention, alertness, and reaction times.
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills: Adequate sleep promotes creative thinking and improves decision-making and critical thinking abilities.

2. Physical Health Benefits

  • Boosted immune system: Regular sleep helps the body fight off infections by supporting immune function.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Getting 7 hours of sleep reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, and helps with overall heart function.
  • Better metabolic function: Adequate sleep regulates hormones that control hunger, such as ghrelin and leptin, reducing cravings and preventing weight gain.

3. Mood Regulation and Emotional Health

  • Reduced stress: Sleep helps regulate stress hormones like cortisol, leading to better mood regulation.
  • Improved emotional resilience: Proper sleep can reduce irritability, anxiety, and depression symptoms, helping you manage emotions more effectively.
  • Enhanced social interactions: Sleep helps you interact more positively with others by improving mood and social behavior.

4. Increased Energy Levels

  • Restoration of energy: Sleep restores physical and mental energy, making you feel more refreshed and energized during the day.
  • Reduced fatigue: Adequate sleep reduces feelings of exhaustion and improves endurance and physical performance.

5. Muscle Repair and Growth

  • Cell and tissue repair: During sleep, the body undergoes repair processes, especially in muscles and tissues that were stressed during the day.
  • Hormone production: Growth hormone, which is involved in tissue growth and muscle repair, is secreted more abundantly during deep sleep.

6. Better Skin Health

  • Cell regeneration: Sleep promotes the regeneration of skin cells, contributing to healthier, more youthful-looking skin.
  • Reduced signs of aging: Consistent sleep can minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections caused by stress and lack of sleep.

7. Enhanced Productivity and Performance

  • Improved work efficiency: With proper rest, you’re likely to perform better in professional or academic tasks, completing them faster and more accurately.
  • Better concentration: Seven hours of sleep helps maintain mental clarity, which increases concentration on tasks.

8. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

  • Lowered risk of diabetes: Regular 7-hour sleep cycles help maintain normal blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Decreased risk of stroke: Research shows that 7 hours of sleep per night can help reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Reduced risk of obesity: Sleep helps regulate the hormones that control appetite and metabolism, contributing to a healthy weight.

9. Better Balance and Coordination

  • Improved motor skills: Adequate sleep helps maintain coordination and balance, which reduces the risk of accidents or injuries.
  • Faster reaction times: With proper rest, reflexes and reaction times are quicker and more accurate.

10. Longer Lifespan

  • Increased longevity: Consistently getting 7 hours of sleep is associated with a longer lifespan, as it reduces the risk of many chronic illnesses and health complications.

11. Balanced Hormones

  • Regulated appetite hormones: Sufficient sleep helps regulate hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger and satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  • Balanced stress hormones: Sleep helps maintain optimal cortisol levels, which support overall health and reduce the negative impacts of chronic stress.

In summary, 7 hours of sleep strikes a balance between sufficient rest and recovery, leading to improved physical health, better mental function, enhanced emotional well-being, and a greater quality of life overall.

Do's and Dont's:

Do's Before Sleep

  1. Establish a Sleep Routine:

    • Go to bed and wake up at same time every day to regulate your body's internal clock

  2. Create a Relaxing Environment:

    • Make your bedroom conducive to sleep by ensuring it's cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if needed.
  3. Practice Relaxation Techniques:

    • Engage in calming activities like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation to prepare your mind and body for sleep.
  4. Limit Screen Time:

    • Avoid screens (phones, computers, TVs) for at least 30 minutes before bed as the blue light emitted can interfere with your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.
  5. Engage in Light Physical Activity:

    • Gentle stretches or yoga can help relax the body and release tension. Avoid intense exercise right before bed, as it can be stimulating.
  6. Eat a Light Snack:

    • If you're slightly hungry, opt for a light snack that contains tryptophan (like turkey or nuts) or a small amount of carbohydrates (like a banana or whole-grain crackers). These can help promote sleepiness.
  7. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene:

    • Keep your sleep environment clean and comfortable with a good mattress and pillow that provide proper support.
  8. Dim the Lights:

    • Dim the lights an hour before bed to signal to your body that it's time to wind down.
  9. Write Down Thoughts or Worries:

    • If you're feeling stressed or anxious, jot down your thoughts in a journal to clear your mind and ease anxiety before sleep.

Don’ts Before Sleep

  1. Avoid Heavy Meals:

    • Don’t eat large or spicy meals right before bed as they can lead to indigestion or discomfort, making it harder to fall asleep.
  2. Limit Caffeine:

    • Avoid caffeine and stimulants (like coffee, energy drinks, and some sodas) at least 6 hours before bedtime, as they can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.
  3. Don’t Consume Alcohol:

    • While alcohol may make you feel drowsy initially, it disrupts sleep patterns and affects the quality of your sleep.
  4. Avoid Heavy Exercise:

    • Intense physical activity too close to bedtime can increase heart rate and body temperature, making it difficult to wind down.
  5. Don’t Use Electronic Devices:

    • Refrain from using phones, computers, or watching TV at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed. The blue light emitted from these devices can suppress melatonin production.
  6. Don’t Drink Too Many Fluids:

    • Limit drinking liquids close to bedtime to avoid waking up during the night to use the bathroom.
  7. Avoid Napping Late in the Day:

    • If you take naps, try to do so earlier in the day. Napping late in the afternoon can disrupt your ability to fall asleep at night.
  8. Don’t Overthink or Worry:

    • Avoid worrying about tomorrow or letting anxious thoughts occupy your mind before bed. Consider relaxation techniques instead.
  9. Avoid Stimulants (Nicotine, etc.):

    • Nicotine is a stimulant that can interfere with your ability to fall asleep, so avoid smoking or using nicotine products close to bedtime.

By following these do's and don'ts, you can significantly improve the quality of your sleep, wake up feeling more rested, and maintain better overall health.

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