Disclaimer- This story is purely a personal experience and in any case is not intended to instill belief or encourage the fear of the existence of any unknown entity whatsoever.
Spoiler alert- The below stories won't amaze you much. So have written the first two in detail and the rest short.
Scary Experience- 1/3
The Flying Spectacles
This happened when I was 7. We moved to a new rented house that used to be a storeroom for many years then. For the first few days, all went well. My usual routine is to come back home from school, eat little, watch TV and do assignments. Then again have dinner at 8 or 9 pm and watch TV again till 10 or 10:30 pm.
One day after coming back from school at 5 pm, there were not many assignments to do so I started watching TV. The TV was just a foot distance from the bed. It was a B&W TV of BPL makes. I used to watch very few TV programs like CID, Aahat, Titliyaan, etc. If there was no good program at any given time I tuned to movie channels like Sony max, and B4U that were popular then.
Coming back to the story, I was watching TV and then felt bored so I rested a little and asked mom if the food is ready. She said, will be ready in 5 min. I knew that 5 minutes would extend to 30 minutes. I was bored so took out my little metal toy car and started playing.
It was around 8 pm, I turned towards the kitchen to ask again to my mom. Since it was a single long room, I could see the kitchen area. As I turned I saw something unusual. There were spectacles in the air. It was not moving. It was still in the air. It was in the middle of the room at an adult man's height. The spectacle was something like the picture below. It was an old spectacle with a golden brownish frame and thick glasses. I went near to it, to say below it, and checked if some thread or steel wire is visible. I observed closely, but there was nothing. To confirm again I switched on the ceiling fan. It was not moving.
I rushed to the bed and called mom to soon come near to me. I told her then that there is a spectacle hanging there. She said there's nothing. I was able to see it clearly. I took her to the spot and tried to show pointing towards it that there was actually a spectacle hanging above me. She said again there is nothing. I told her to raise her hand so that I could prove that she can touch it. She didn't and made excuses. My mom was thinking that I am not well. She checked if I had a fever. It was alright. She said me to go to sleep and told me to show the spectacles to dad after he comes home.
I took out the kalnirnay Marathi calendar that was hanging on the wall, made a roll of it, and tried to hit that spectacle. I was too short then. After trying many times, I moved back and threw the calendar on the spectacles, and ran away to my bed out of fear without even seeing if it hit it. The calendar hit the tube light that was behind the spectacle at around the same level. My mom shouted at me and warned if I don't remain quiet now, I won't be getting food to eat. After all my plans failed with nothing much to do, I took the translucent shawl and checked if I can see it through the shawl. Yes, it was visible. Now my mom was sure that I was unwell. She switched off the stove and came near me to check again. I told her not to go back. Let dad come, we will show those specs to him. I fell asleep soon and when I woke up there was nothing. My dad also felt that there is something wrong with me. I didn't go to school the next day as my parents thought I should take a rest.
A few weeks passed, and I forgot that incident. On a particular night after midnight, someone knocked at our door twice. I came to know this when my parents asked about it to the house owner. After a few days, the same thing happened. I woke up this time as I was the first victim in the house. My dad asked who was that. No one replied. After 10 minutes again there was a knock. My dad angrily shouted at the person whoever it was. No response. Then nothing happened that night. On a random night, this thing happened again but at around 10 pm. This time it was louder. My dad opened the door to check as it was not late night and there were people around moving on the street. To our surprise there was no one, the gate was closed. We left that house within a month after this incident.
Scary Experience- 2/3
Ghost on the bicycle
It happened when I was in the 7th standard. My friends and I went to our friend's birthday party. As the majority of people worked for the Cement manufacturing company, they were provided free residential quarters. The colony where my friend lived was near to the hill. So it was far from other quarters. After the mini party, we were returning at 8 pm from his home. It was the month of November and the days were short. The time was 8 in the evening but it was pitch black.
We were 4 friends on 3 bicycles riding our way home through the boulevard. The road was illuminated at several spots by the industrial street lights (the yellow lights). We started from there enjoying the sounds of the rustle of leaves as we were riding. Suddenly, while passing through the dark shadows of the trees, I felt as if someone jumped on my cycle and sat behind me, note that this part of the road was totally dark with no lights. As we were 4, I thought my friend who didn't bring his bicycle sat behind me. I insisted he switch the bicycle and made a typical excuse "Tyre me Hawa Kam hai". There was no response but he patted my back as a sign to ride fast, so I felt humiliated. I shouted at my other friend and told him why doesn't help him. To this, I heard "Mai toh iske piche hi baitha hu, tu kiski baat kr rha hai". Now I could figure out that he was really there.
I could still feel the extra weight on my cycle as if some 60-70 kg bag is tied to it. I told them that I am unable to ride, please slow down. They were in a mood of racing, waited for a second or two, and told me "Agey aja milte hai turning pe". They were riding fast but I couldn't. I literally cried being on the empty remote road. Somehow I unmounted the bicycle and started to walk while steering it. At 50 feet distance, there was a light pole. I reached there and checked if the bicycle tires are flat but the tires were perfect. I didn't think for another second and just sped away towards the place where my friends asked to meet. As I was riding now, I didn't feel that unusual stuff. Upon reaching, I told them that my cycle chain fell off from the sprocket midway. I never told them what actually happened because I felt that it could be the talk of my class the very next day.
Scary Experience- 3/3
Girl on the bridge
I was in 6th Std if I am not wrong. My school time use to end at 4.10 pm and I used to reach home at 4.30 pm. After eating some light food at 5 pm, I used to watch TV and then pack my bag for tuition classes. That particular day I reached tuition late. As a punishment the late you come and the late you go. An apt analogy for alone you come alone you go home.
My town had a good forest cover inside the Orient cement factory compound so much so that it seems that the town was built around the jungle. Needless to say, this was the only company to win the environment award in the year 2003 in India.
Coming to the point, it was already 10 pm in the night, and all my friends left at 9 pm. I thought of taking the shortcut through this wooden bridge that was only used by cyclists and walkers during the daytime. When I reached the bridge, to my shock I saw a little girl in a blue skirt, a red hair band. She felt tensed. The first thing that came to my mind was, why the hell is that girl there at late night. I thought her parents might be somewhere around and she just got lost while playing. I approached her and asked why are you here now and where is your mom. She said she has lost her ball and her mother is at home cooking dinner. She said her mother would scold her if she didn't get the ball.
I didn't understand what is happening but felt like the problem is the ball. I asked her where did you see it last. She showed me thick bushes nearby. I dared to walk 10 ft in the bushes and actually found the ball but it was torn half of it was stuck in the earth as if it was there for many months or years. I turned back to ask her if this is the ball and there was no one. I was shivering with fear and got frozen for a minute and felt she is watching me and the next step I take I am gonna die. But the impulse action triggered and I ran towards home. I reached home but till I reached I felt that it was my last day.
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